In addition to larger gatherings, people at Vivid Church also meet up, in person or online, in hubs (smaller groups). Hubs are all about fun, love and truth. Just like the hub of a wheel is the central point of intersection for all the wheel’s spokes, connecting a couple times a month for relationship, encouragement and prayer establishes the centrality of community in our lives.
We believe kids can have a vibrant relationship with Jesus! Vivid Kids runs simultaneously with our Sunday gatherings and is a fun atmosphere of stories, songs and games intended to help kids grow in their faith.
Culture Course
If you’ve ever pondered the question: “What kind of church is Vivid?” Here's where you find your answer. Culture Course is a four session dialogue that will help you discover who we are, what we believe (our theology), why we do things the way we do (our values), and how you can get involved (our team). Check out the course today!
Team Night
We believe people get the most out of church when they are involved, so we are passionate about helping people find their fit. Whether someone is serving with kids, or on the creative or worship team, or in hospitality, production or logistics, we know that Sunday’s are a time when we’re pouring out. That’s why on the first Thursday of every month our team gathers to have encouragement and inspiration poured into them from our pastors.
Upcoming events